Go to Minutes and Click on November under 2019.
Nov 18
District 7 November Minutes 11/12/19
Meeting called to order @ 7:11 by Mike Galka
Members in attendance: 9
Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters (Joe Pacholec Sr., Tony Dorman, David Kozlansky, Joe Pacholec Jr., Mark Gruszkiewicz)
North Branch Bassmasters: (Matt Kline)
Lunker Landers: (Mike Galka)
Wayne County Bassmasters: (Bob Gilpin)
Primetime Anglers (Harry Graver)
Minutes: September 10, 2019 Minutes read by David Kozlansky
Accepted by: Tony Dorman, 2nd by Matt Kline
Treasury: Tom Hafner via Text
- Treasury currently at $X,XXX.XX
Accepted by: Tony Dorman 2nd by Bob Gilpin
Youth & Conservation: George Bowers via Bob Gilpin
- The “Fishing for a Cause” benefit tournament for 2019 was held on October 27, 2019 at Lake Wallenpaupack. There were 23 teams that participated. From the participation and raffle there was $1350 raised for the cause. A thank you to all the sponsors who donated prizes.
- George will be taking fishing rods & reels again this Christmas Season to “The Children’s Hospital” and donate them to the children.
Accepted by: Tony Dorman, 2nd by Matt Kline
Tournaments: Matt Kline
- Nothing to report.
State Info: Mike Galka
- State meeting was 11-03-19
- 68 boats at the NCSF on Lake George, 42 of which were from PA.
- Congratulations to Tony Dorman as he was the top Angler from PA and will advance to the National Championship
- The 2020 NCSF District 14 will be on Lake Wallenpaupack, September 18 & 19 will be the dates.
- The Great American Outdoor Show will be February 1-9 in Harrisburg and the PATBF will once again be having a booth at the show.
- There was a vote at the TBF president’s council meeting concerning the three days of practice at the NCSF and it was upheld to keep the three days of practice.
- Lowrance is on board in 2020 as a sponsor.
- TH Marine is also on board in 2020 as a sponsor.
- MinnKota discount codes will be going out for the top 7 for each Angler and Co-Angler from the 2019 PATBF State Championship.
- Lowrance discount codes will be going out for the top 7 for each Angler and Co-Angler from the 2019 PATBF State Championship.
- Reminder to all those who have Ranger Boats to sign up for Ranger Bucks.
- The Quad State and Reel Kids Championships went smooth in 2019.
- A Pennsylvania Team won the high school national championship in 2019.
- There will be a few new officers/directors for 2020; Mike Galka will be treasurer and Debra Wilson will be youth director.
- There were 671 members in the PATBF in 2019 as compared to 642 in 2018 and 639 in 2017.
- For 2020 each club will receive a $10 stipend for acquiring each additional member above what their membership was in 2019. For example increasing from 22 to 24, a club would get $20 from the PATBF.
- The youth trail may consist of 2-3 events.
- The championship for Jr. Division will be a 2 person format.
- The Quad State Tournament is July 12, 2020 @ Anchor Marine on the Chesapeake Bay.
- MR BASS for 2020 is on the Potomac River out of Smallwood State Park on 4-24 & 25.
- District III will have a District Tournament on the day following the MR BASS event also out of Smallwood State Park.
- The PATBF State Championship will be held on Cayuga Lake on June 26 & 27. Launch TBD.
- Team Regional 1 Tournament will be held July 17 & 18 at Cayuga Lake. Launch TBD.
- Team Regional 2 Tournament will be held July 10 & 11 at Keuka Lake, Keuka Lake State Park.
Accepted by: Tony Dorman 2nd by Harry Graver
Old Business:
- PATBFD7 Tournament Voting then took
place for the 1-2-1 format. The final 1
would be the first 2021 tournament qualifier.
- Tie-Breaker Vote goes to Chairman and it was Wallenpaupack for event #1, and Owasco for event #4.
- The 2020 Calendar Year Schedule is TBD with Wallenpaupack, Cayuga/Cayuga, Owasco as the schedule.
- Nomination of Officers then took
- George Bowers for Y&C nominated by Lunker Landers & Leggett’s Creek = accepted
- Matt Kline for Tournament Director by Leggett’s Creek & Prime Time = accepted
- Tom Hafner for Treasurer by Prime Time & Leggett’s Creek = accepted
- David Kozlansky for Secretary by Leggett’s Creek = declined
- Harry Graver for Secretary by Leggett’s Creek & Wayne County = accepted
- Tony Dorman for Vice Chairman by Lunker Landers & North Branch = accepted
- Mark Gruszkiewicz for Chairman by Lunker Landers = declined
- Mike Galka for Chairman by Leggett’s Creek & North Branch = accepted
- David Kozlansky then proceeded to cast a single ballot for each director and officer as there was no opposition for any position and thus all officers and directors will start on January 1, 2020.
New Business:
- The plates for the AOY & COY were completed and are displayed on the plaque at Major League Sports Bar.
- Mark Gruszkiewicz & Joe Pacholec Jr. were presented their $60 checks for their AOY & COY for 2019 as that is what they each selected as their award.
- A discussion of possibly getting a new scale was discussed and David Kozlansky will be getting prices for the December meeting to present to the reps.
- The 2019 End of Year Party will take place on 12-17-19 at Major League Sports Bar. D7 will be providing food only as it will be a “cash bar”. Please contact David Kozlansky with your club’s head count by 7:00 PM on Friday December 13th so he can compile.
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 8:50 by Mike Galka
- Next Meeting will be Tuesday, December 17, 2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar.
- Accepted by: Matt Kline, 2nd by Harry Graver
Sep 23
National Championship Semi Final – PA Results

Click HERE for results…PA Representatives for the 2020 TBF National Championship are Boat 1 – Tony Dorman and Adam Ivory, Boat 2 – Paul Bottali and Dave Wilt. CONGRATULATIONS !!
Sep 16
District 7 September Minutes 09/10/19
Meeting called to order @ 7:08 by Mike Galka
Members in attendance: 10
Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters (Joe Pacholec Sr., Tony Dorman, David Kozlansky, Joe Pacholec Jr., Mark Gruszkiewicz)
North Branch Bassmasters: (Matt Kline)
Lunker Landers: (Mike Galka, Tom Hafner)
Wayne County Bassmasters: (George Bowers)
Primetime Anglers (Harry Graver)
Minutes: July 9, 2019 Minutes read by David Kozlansky
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Matt Kline
Treasury: Tom Hafner
- Treasury currently at $XXXX.XX
- Tom handed out an in-depth spreadsheet to the reps and went over it and mentioned that there were a few outstanding checks still not cashed. Those reps were notified to contact their members to notify them.
Accepted by: Tony Dorman 2nd by George Bowers
Youth & Conservation: George Bowers
- George Bowers reiterated that the “Fishing for a Cause” benefit tournament for 2019 will be held on October 27, 2019 at Lake Wallenpaupack. There are also raffle tickets that are being sold with all prizes donated on the 11 prize ticket. Tickets are $5.00 each with drawing of 10-27-2019.
- George spoke about the kid’s fishing derby on 08-10-19 at the Wyoming Valley Country Club. Every kid that attended caught at least one fish.
- David Kozlansky mentioned that JJP Environmental was running their Annual Kid’s Fishing Derby at Mountain Lake in Scranton on Saturday, September 14th from 9:00 to 11:00 AM with prizes and trophies to be given out. No entry fee. One Stop Sport Shop was also donating prizes for the derby.
Accepted by: Tony Dorman, 2nd by Matt Kline
Tournaments: Matt Kline
- Matt went over the three D7 tournament results.
- Matt went over the 2019 AOY & COY standings. Congratulations to Mark Gruszkiewicz as the AOY and Joe Pacholec Jr. as the COY for 2019.
- Matt gave a shout out for all those that helped run the tournaments in 2019.
- Matt spoke about the possibility of a new scale for District VII.
Accepted by: George Bowers 2nd by Tom Hafner
State Info: Mike Galka
- At the time of this meeting there were 40 Anglers and 46 Co-Anglers that accepted their spots to the NCSF.
Accepted by: George Bowers 2nd by Tom Hafner
Old Business:
- Check #581 for $50.00 was given to Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters for their Youth Reimbursement Request for the “Reel Kids” event held on July 6 & 7 at Hunter’s Gallery.
New Business:
- Wayne County Bassmasters handed in a Youth Reimbursement Request and also distributed some photos from their 08-10-19 Kid’s Fishing Derby. Matt Kline & Mike Galka 1st and 2nd it to reimburse. All were in favor. Check #582 for $50.00 was given to Wayne County Bassmasters.
- A lengthy discussion took place on scheduling the 2020 D7 Tournament Schedule. There will be a 2021 tournament in the fall of 2020 to give more flexibility to the scheduling in 2021 and beyond with the deadline for the tournaments being somewhere near the end of August. The format voted on will be a single tournament, a double tournament weekend (can be two bodies of water), and a single tournament. Clubs are to come back to the next meeting with selections specifically for this format for each slot.
- A discussion then took place for our next meeting(s). Next meeting with body of water/tournament selection and nomination of officers will be Tuesday, November 12, 2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar
- Our Christmas Party Meeting will be Tuesday, December 17, 2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar. Please contact David Kozlansky by Friday, December 13, 2019 with number of club members attending.
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 8:39 by Mike Galka
- Next Meeting will be Tuesday, November 12, 2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar.
- Accepted by: Matt Kline, 2nd by Harry Graver