Apr 30
Tournament Director’s Corner
PA Members,
Welcome to the 2014 Tournament Season. I would first like to welcome all new members to Pennsylvannia TBF and encourage them to participate in all there District and State events. As we saw in the 2013 season we have continued to provide as close to the Pro like atmosphere at our State and Regional events. Because of the hard work by our Executive Board and through our State sponsors we are able to provide great give aways again this year.
As our tournament season is underway and all of us have been chomping at the bits to get blasted off to our hot spots. I want to use the word “Safety” as more than just a catch phrase. We at times find ourselves at blast off in the mornings and moving from spot to spot in such a hurry that at times we use poor judgement on our own safety and the safety of our riders. Some of our boats can reach such speeds of over 70 MPH that we fail to realize that conditions are key…… Tournament directors please talk about this during your pre tournament meeting and monitor during your events.
We have changed the formats up alittle bit this year with the Kickoff and Last Chance style qualifying. One of my challenges to myself is better management of the qualifying spots for the Championship. I will be posting breakdowns for the different tournaments in the real near future. I want to thank all who has helped already giving me a hand to make this a successful and Safe tournament season.
Bruce Bramer
State Tournament Director