District 3 Northeast June 8

55620130609_160442Northeast Tournament June 8th

Last year we had 3 bags over 20lbs, how many will we have this year? Come join the fun with District 3!

Please have your applications post marked to me by June 1st.

So far we are carrying $180.00 over from the Potomac River tournament towards the final tournament.

Off Limits will be between 1st and 2nd cut over to the points of the Northeast park of curse Aberdeen proving grounds off limit areas.

Safe light till 3:00? pm

Application as  June 3rd


1 Mike Sabbi

2 Bruce Bramer

3 Robert Blake

4 Gray Buck

5 Don Bridy

6 Dough Lamborn

7 Barry Potteiger +

8 Ryan Urso

9 James Shneck

10 Charles Harvey

11 Larry Moore*

12 Dave Wilt

13 Charles Dorrough+

14 Greg Plank

15 Harry Nurk

16 Tom Brown

17 Larry Fair

18 Jason Barrow

19 Craig Schilling+

20 Ray Bradshaw

21 Dan Kepp

22 John Schoener

23 Vince De Bosser

24 Robert Miller

25 Fred Bowers

26 Steve Mulholland

27 Joe Booker

28 Ryan Anderson

29 Dean Reisch



1 Mike Eldridge

2 Jack Szentmiklosi

3 Phil Sullivan

4 Doug Moore+

5 Ben Rifford

6 Mike Burton+

7 Jim Hartner

8 Nate Cote

9 Sue Blake

10 Chris Wilson*

11 Ron Williams

12 Ken Ansbach

13 Steve Wagner +

14 Tim Rundle

15 Josh Hertzog

16 Ed Kay

17 Steve Koch

18 Ron Livers

19 Dave M Mizenko+

20 Terry Wells* pending

21 Maurice Hudson*

22 Will Hollis

23 Josh Tupper

24 Dave Ciarletta

25 Steve Morella

26 Bart Hollis

27 Brian Setlock

28 Gary Leranean



Minn Kota Talon winner Chris Graff

Chris Graff wins a Talon but that just the big winner we raffled off close to $4000.00 of Prizes and that is just for starts. Wait till the Championship at Erie Boys!

Chris Graff wins a Talon this was just the big winner we raffled off close to $4000.00 in Prizes and that is just for starts. Wait till the Championship at Erie Boys!

 This is  just a glance of what we will be raffling off at State run tournaments and BOD meetings.

1 HDS Gen 2 Touch 9, 

2 HDS Gen 2 Touch 7

1 HDS Gen 2   8 inch

1 HDS Gen 2   7 Inch

1 HDS Gen 2   5 inch

3 Frabill Cyclone F4 Rain Suite

And the list goes on and on!

Come join the fun and go home Happy,  Happy,  Happy! 


Pennsylvania Bass Federation Shirts and hats for sale!

All proceeds will go towards funding the Quad State High School Championship.

What a better way for you to show how proud you are to be a member of

 Pennsylvania Bass Federation!

Please contact pabassvp@gmail.com

Shirts $17.00

Hats $13.00 Camo or Royal Blue

$15.00 Royal Blue Flexfit Hats                                                                                                                                                                                                              


2014 SAF Quad State High School Championship

We proud to announce the 2014 SAF Quad State Championship

New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania States.

July 26th at Elk Neck State Park in Northeast, MD.

It is easy to join visit the Student Angler Federation (SAF) website

Last Year was our first Quad State Championship and we had 17 teams.

Rumor has it we have over 18 teams from Pennsylvania already.

We had a great time running the tournament and I am glad TBF asked me to make it happen again.

Everyone who knows any High School Students that love to bass fish, please inform them about this great event.

We can never have enough helpers, so come join the fun!

For more info call Mike Sabbi 484-880-8366

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