Category: News

2014 Applications

Mr Bass Kickoff and District Tournament applications for 2014 are on the tournament applications web page.  More coming soon!

NY Fishing Licenses – sometimes it DOES pay to wait!

Changes happening in NY including doing away with the Sept 30/Oct 1 boundary for fishing licenses and license fee REDUCTIONS!  That’s right, you heard it here, a reduction in fishing license fees.  Read about it at the following web site: !  

Maryland DNR 2013 Creel Surveys

Interested in what the biggest black bass caught and reported in 2013 or widely-supported tips for keeping bass alive through the weigh-in, and after?  The MD DNR Tidal Bass Program has summarized reports from tournament directors and from anglers.  Check it out at the program’s monitoring and research web site.  Once on the page look for …

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Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement – public comment through March 17, 2014

The Chesapeake Bay Program office has released the final draft of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement and is seeking public comment. The public comment period will run through March 17, 2014.   To read the draft agreement and submit comments, go to