Cayuga Lake Fish Kill update

Some of you may have heard about the Cayuga Lake fish kill recently. Here is the latest update I have. Keep it in mind for scheduling tournaments, as well as for fish care and boat maintenance. I consider our neighboring states waters ours too, because we all benefit from the resource. Please read it.

Boat Us Corporate code discount GA00043F

They have various plans for on water towing and road side towing.

2017 Child’s Wish Event

Child’s Wish is here again.

This year is to be held at AITCH boat launch Raystown lake May 20 and 21

SAT  9am till 4pm

SUN 9am till 12.

Looking for bass boats, if you want to volunteer call Bob Stiver 814-943-4504 or Rex Johnsonbaugh  814-931-9960

Thank you!

2017 Mr Bass Kickoff Results


2017 Mr Bass Kickoff Results
Place Angler Fish Day1 Day 2 Total Penalty Big Net
1 CHRIS EPISCOPO 8/ 8 4.09 15.35 19.44 5.93 19.44
2 MITCH HEATON 10/10 8.11 10.92 19.03 3.95 19.03
3 RICHARD WITUSHYNSKY 9/ 8 9.52 7.76 17.28 0.50 5.33 16.78
4 MIKE SMITH 5/ 5 13.00 2.76 15.76 4.71 15.76
5 GREG HUGHES 7/ 7 6.29 6.76 13.05 13.05
6 JACK SZENTMIKLOSI 7/ 7 9.88 2.91 12.79 4.23 12.79
7 TROY DAVIS 7/ 6 9.26 3.53 12.79 0.50 12.29
8 RON TAYLOR 4/ 4 2.66 8.38 11.04 7.27 11.04
9 CHRIS WILSON 3/ 3 .00 8.31 8.31 8.31
10 LARRY FOOR 3/ 2 6.19 .00 6.19 0.50 5.69
11 CHARLES DORROUGH 3/ 3 3.45 2.01 5.46 2.01 5.46
12 JAMES WEIGAND 2/ 2 3.84 .00 3.84 3.84
13 FRED LEWIS JR 2/ 2 .00 3.41 3.41 3.41
14 DOUG LAMBORN .00 .00 .00 .00
Place Angler Fish Day1 Day 2 Total Penalty Big Net
1 NATHAN COTE 5/ 5 8.68 1.66 10.34 4.03 10.34
2 DAVID WILT 5/ 5 2.49 4.07 6.56 6.56
3 SCOTT LAUKHUFF 3/ 3 3.86 1.52 5.38 3.10 5.38
4 GARY LERANIAN 2/ 2 1.77 2.41 4.18 2.41 4.18
5 SCOTT DUTTERA 1/ 1 2.00 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00
6 STEVE KOCH 1/ 1 .00 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18
7 DAVE CIARLETTA .00 .00 .00 .00