
Attention : District 4 anglers and co-anglers – now accepting applications for our 2017 season.

So far applications include :

Anglers :

Edwin Fisher

Michael Berkheimer

Edwin Henderson


Coanglers :

Sonny Weakland

Michael Savino

Send check or money order attn. Michael Savino

265 Wayward Lane

Tyrone, PA 16686



District 2 – Keuka Lake, State Park, 7/30/17

Location – Keuka Lake
Launch Site – State Park Launch
Date – Sunday, July 30th
Time – 6:00 am – 2:00 pm, (if we can launch earlier we will try)
Registration – 5:00 am – 5:45 am
The parking fee is $7 per vehicle (either car or truck with boat) and must be paid when leaving the park.

1st place – $xxx
2nd place – $xxx
3rd place – $xxx
1st place – $xxx
2nd place – $xxx
3rd place – $xxx

Do not launch your boat until you have checked in, completed the boat check and met up with your rider.
This will be a 5 fish tournament, 12″ minimum.
No culling of dead fish. Dead fish MUST be taken with you.
Lunker Fee is $10 per day. Lunker must be a live fish.
All NY Boating and Fishing rules and regulation must be adhered to at all times.
All PA Bass tournament rules apply.
It is suggested that the cost of the gas/oil used during the day be shared between the boater and the rider.
The area right at the launch will be off limits. Any areas posted no boats or no fishing means you cannot cast into those areas either.
Keuka speed limit is 45 mph, and is enforced by radar. If ticketed, you could be disqualified.

Note about weigh-in. This will be a trailer weigh in if there is not enough open docks. Both people must come to the trailer to check in. When you come up to the table, turn in your numbers, get and sign your weigh-in slips, and hold onto them. Get in the line for bags (CANNOT use your own). When you get your bag, you can get your fish and bring them back for weigh in. When you come back with your fish, give me your slip, verify weight and get your yellow copy. Return fish to water near the end of the boat slips (not right at the ramp) and return bags to table where you got them.

Last boat will call out numbers and each boat will launch every 10 seconds.
The tournament committee (District Officers present) will make the decision to hold a fog delay if necessary for safety. If so, the committee will make decisions regarding take off time, extending fishing hours, etc.

SAFETY – Life jackets MUST be worn when the outboard motor is running. This includes coming in to beach the boat, taking the boat on and off the trailer. If you are on the boat, the outboard is running, life jacket MUST be on for all aboard. Failure to do so can result in disqualification in the tournament.

**Any culling system utilized must reduce fish handling stress and injury (e.g., clips and color coding). Devices that use or require punching / piercing a hole in the fish’s mouth are NOT permitted. Fish should not be lifted from a livewell by culling tubes, ropes, etc., in an attempt to reduce stress.

These are applications with payments that I have received to date. Updated 7/26/17. This is not the pairing.
Anglers (* denotes guaranteed)
1. Stosh Wisniewski – Washberry *
2. Charlie Sykes – Susquehanna Valley *
3. David Kozlansky – Leggett’s Creek *
4. Rex Magargle – Washberry
5. Keith Houseknecht – Kickin Bass Baits (verbal)
6. Nicholas Hartley – Susquehanna Valley *
7. Nick Osman – Susquehanna Valley *
8. Tom Prowant – Susquehanna Valley *
9. Mike Galka – Lunker Landers Bass Club
10. Casey Magargle – Washberry *
11. Donn Troutman – Susquehanna Valley *
12. Levi Macarty – Washberry *
13. Rich Wright – Washberry

Co-Anglers (* denotes guaranteed)
1. Brett Dalrymple – Washberry
2. Chad Wolfe – Washberry *
3. Ron Boyer – Susquehanna Valley *
4. Barry Jacobs – Leggett’s Creek *
5. Jim Wilkins – Susquehanna Valley
6. Austin Gaab – Washberry
7. Rick Gaab – Washberry
8. Ben Snyder – Susquehanna Valley
9. Eddie Laforme – Washberry
10. Kevin Zimmerman – Washberry *
11. Dan Mook – Susquehanna Valley *
12. Dan Edwards – Susquehanna Valley *
13. Josh Mook – Susquehanna Valley *
14. Gene Snyder – Susquehanna Valley *
15. Grant Michael – Washberry *

We need a Co-angler that is willing to switch and become a boater (hopefully someone that it won’t hurt for points). Please contact me if you would like to switch. Thanks.
Updated: 7/28/17

2017 Pennsylvania Bass Federation, Inc Championship Results

2017 District 6 Tournament 1 Results