District 6 2019 Tournaments

May 19 – Pymatuning – Snodgrass Launch

June 30 – Lake Chataqua – Prendergast Launch

August 4 – Lake Erie – Marina Bay/West Pier Launch

District 3 Meeting Minutes for November 12th, 2018

ROLL CALL: Ray Bradshaw called meeting to order.

CLUBS PRESENT: All members present except River Hills and Lancaster County Hawg Hunters

SECRETARY’S REPORT: No minutes as October meeting postponed.

TREASURERS REPORT: Ray gave report of District 3 checking account balance. Contact Ray for financial information.

CONSERVATION REPORT: Barry Potteiger reported a new Pa Fish Commissioner taking over in 2019.

PUBLIC RELATIONS/MEMBERSHIP: Ray reminded clubs to submit member renewal by end of December or sooner.

TOURNAMENTS: Members reviewed and approved the following 2019 schedule.

-Potomac River April 28th, North East May 19th and Conowingo August 4th.

NEW BUSINESS: Ray Bradshaw discussed nominations for officers to be voted at December meeting. Any club members wanting to run for open positions to contact Ray.

OLD BUSINESS: Barry Potteiger reviewed the Pa Outdoor Show reel kids event scheduled for January 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th. We need as many as 140 volunteers over the four day event.

YOUTH: Barry Potteiger to confirm the 2019 Cabela’s reel kids schedule

Doug Lamborn – District 3 Secretary

More Opportunities

More Opportunities = More Participation = More Money = Happier Members

The proposal at this past November BOD meeting was to Sanction the District Tournaments as STATE EVENTS.

Why? Because STATE events are the ONLY events that can qualify a member to the NCSF and it is something that a couple districts asked about in previous years. After doing some research, we found a way.

District Tournaments will now be State Sanctioned Events:

1. The Angler entry fee will be $100 and CoAngler entry fee will be $50.

a. The members still receive a 70% payback as they always have.

b. The District will send $6 per angler and $3 per coangler to the State Treasurer.

2. The District Tournament Director emails the results of the tournament to the President or his designee within 1 week of the tournament. Noting the winners and the amount paid to each

3. The District runs its tournaments according to the State Tournament Rules (which is already done).

4. Ranger Bucks will be paid to the highest finishing Ranger Angler at the end of the season. Minimum $100.

5. Anglers/CoAnglers from the District will qualify for the NCSF. The number of each will depend on how many people in total participate in the three District Tournaments.

6. Districts will use the tournaments completed for that year’s NCSF. Districts are reminded, with moving the event up to the second weekend in September, that the open invitation period for the NCSF is the month of August. If you go into August with an event, leave the members enough time to get into the tournament.

The Top 10% of District Anglers/CoAnglers will be invited to the NCSF and the Top 7 District Anglers will still be qualified for next year’s State Championship.

This proposal was approved with a UNANIMOUS vote of the BOD.

More Opportunities for More Members fishing in their Districts. A win win for everyone.


District Tournaments are State Sanctioned and NOT run as State Events. Only the clubs WITHIN the district running the tournament are restricted from holding a club event that day.

State Events – MR Bass, State Championship, BOD Meetings — No Club or District can hold ANY event on these days.

State Event – Team Regional 1 — No Club or District in 1, 3 or 7 can run an event.

State Event – Team Regional 2 — No Club or District in 2, 4, 5 or 6 can run an event.

District Tournament/Meeting — No Club in that District can run an event on that day.

The State Sanctioned District Tournaments are District Tournaments so Clubs in other Districts and other Districts ARE NOT restricted from those days; just like in the past.

2018 District 2 Year Standings

Congratulations to our District 2 Angler of the Year – Keith Houseknecht with a clean sweep.

Place Anglers Keuka Sunbury Wmspt  Total  # fish wt.
1 Keith Houseknecht 40 40 40 120 13 38.96
2 Stosh Wisniewski 32 35 39 106 11 23.84
3 Donn Troutman 33 36 33 102 10 21.38
4 Dan Edwards 30 31 36 97 5 10.02
5 Chad Wolfe 39 37 0 76 10 27.58
6 Tom Prowant 35 32 DNF 67 7 15.96
7 Greg Jones DNF 33 34 67 5 10.24
8 Steve Lowe DNF 39 DNF 39 5 15.26
9 DJ Hauser DNF 38 DNF 38 5 14.62
10 Dave Kozlansky 38 DNF DNF 38 5 13.32
11 Jason Shipton DNF DNF 38 38 3 7.92
12 Dan Mook 37 DNF DNF 37 5 13.10
13 Tim Barnes DNF DNF 37 37 2 4.92
14 Rex Magargle 36 DNF DNF 36 5 12.12
15 Robert Parmer DNF DNF 35 35 2 3.56
16 Randy Follmer DNF 34 DNF 34 5 10.38
17 Nick Osman 34 DNF DNF 34 5 8.72
18 Scott Mowery 31 DNF DNF 31 3 3.56
19 Bill Boysha DNF 0 DNF 0 0 0.00
19 Lance Motter DNF DNF 0 0 0 0.00


Congratulations to our District 2 Co-Angler of the Year – Ben Snyder with an impressive 116.

Place Co-Anglers Keuka Sunbury Wmspt  Total  # fish wt.
1 Ben Snyder 38 38 40 116 13 30.52
2 Michael Prentiss 36 39 39 114 12 25.76
3 Ron Boyer 39 37 35 111 11 28.00
4 Levi McCarty 40 33 33 106 10 22.38
5 Brett Dalrymple 35 31 37 103 7 14.92
6 Grant Michael 33 34 34 101 9 14.56
7 Austin Gaab DNF 40 36 76 6 16.72
8 Gene Snyder 32 36 0 68 7 15.42
9 Jake Jones DNF 35 32 67 4 10.04
10 Rick Gaab DNF 0 38 38 3 5.46
11 Scott Laukhuff 37 DNF DNF 37 4 5.76
12 Jim Wilkins 34 DNF DNF 34 3 4.30
13 Curtis Hendershot DNF 32 DNF 32 2 4.88
14 Barry Jacobs 31 DNF DNF 31 2 3.18
14 Shawn Winkelman 0 DNF DNF 0 0 0.00