Meeting called to order @ 7:10 by Mike Galka
in attendance: 10
Creek Bassmasters (Joe Pacholec Sr., Tony Dorman, David Kozlansky, Joe Pacholec
Jr., Mark Gruszkiewicz, Joe Pica)
Branch Bassmasters: (Matt Kline)
Landers: (Mike Galka, Tom Hafner)
County Bassmasters: (George Bowers)
Minutes: March 12, 2019 Minutes read by David Kozlansky
A Correction was made to the March minutes as to Matt Kline being
contacted to get the top seven of Anglers and Co-Anglers for D7. This was not requested as stated in the
minutes. March minutes will be adjusted.
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Tony Dorman
Treasury: Tom
- Tom handed out a ledger. Balance is $X,XXX.XX
Accepted by: Matt Kline, 2nd by George Bowers
Youth & Conservation: George Bowers
- George reiterated that the “Fishing
for a Cause” benefit tournament for 2019 will be held on October 27, 2019 at
Lake Wallenpaupack and he handed out flyers.
He is waiting on further info from the Times Leader on coverage for the
- There will also be a raffle held for
“Fishing for a Cause” and George is looking for donations.
- George spoke about a day out with
military personnel on Lake Carey; more to come on this topic.
- George will be hosting the annual
kid’s tournament in August again this year on 08-10-19 at the Wyoming Valley
Country Club.
- Joe Pica mentioned that JJP is
involved with getting a Kizer Pond access up and running.
Accepted by: Matt Kline, 2nd by Tony Dorman
Tournaments: Matt Kline
- David Kozlansky and Mike Galka are
working in conjunction to secure a launch ample enough to hold our D7
tournament on Skaneateles Lake, N.Y.
Accepted by: George Bowers 2nd
by Tony Dorman
Steering Committee: Joe Pica
- Next PATBF State Meeting is Sunday,
June 2, 2019.
- PATBF Blasts have been sent out on a
few topics including PA TBF State Championship
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Matt Kline
Old Business:
- Approved payments were administered
to Matt Kline and Bob Brody since last meeting.
- David Kozlansky has posted the March
minutes as discussed at the March meeting.
New Business:
- A motion was made by Lunker Landers to
have set payouts for D7 tournaments based on firm %’s paid back to 20% of the
field. Tom Hafner will create the chart and
have available at the next D7 meeting.
All were in favor.
- David Kozlansky of Leggett’s Creek
Bassmasters mentioned that they lost a long-time club member in Frank Lesnefsky
and that there was a well written obituary in the newspaper and that the club had
a moment of silence before their first tournament of 2019. He will be dearly missed.
- David Kozlansky mentioned that
Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters is having a going away to the BFL All-American
party for club member Bob Brody on May 23rd at PTW Energy at 7:00 PM
and all at the meeting are invited aside from club members. Food and beverages will be served.
- A letter was handed in by Mark Bower
(President of Primetime Anglers) requesting that Primetime Anglers be permitted
to transfer from District I to District VII.
A discussion took place and then a vote.
All were in favor. Primetime
Anglers will officially sign in as of next meeting and are now a member of
District VII. Mark will be sent the
bylaws and info by David Kozlansky.
- A discussion then took place as to
when to have our next PATBF District VII meeting. July 9, 2019 will be the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 8:50 by Mike Galka
- Next Meeting will be Tuesday, July 9,
2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar.
- Accepted by: Tom Hafner, 2nd
by George Bowers