This will be the last update for applications received. If you mailed an application after June 13, please send an email to No one will be added to the field after 4pm on Friday, June 19. Reminder official practice starts at sunrise Saturday, June 20 meaning all tournament rules are in effect; pay special attention to the MOTOR ON LIFE VEST ON and have your kill switch attached anytime the motor is in gear. See you on the water.

1Chris WilsonLunker LandersSteve Koch
2Mike SabbiBrandywineJoe Pacholec JrLeggetts
3Mike Galka SrLunker LandersDavid AvvisatoLeggetts
4Jason KrissLeggettsThomas JefferyWayne
5Mark GruszkiewiczLeggettsJared BurrowsClarion
6Bill WardButlerCharles EnglebrightSus River
7Don BridyBass LegendsDavid KozlanskyLeggetts
8Larry FoorSouth CentralDave WiltLanc Cty
9Barry PotteigerSus RiverThomas ThompsonSouth Central
10Matt KlineNorth BranchAdam IvorySus River
11Derrick LoserSus RiverDonn TroutmanSus Valley
12Ron TaylorSouth CentralBilly HinesCrawford
13Justin KublisWayneBill LidwellShy Beaver
14Randy ShirkSchuykillOrvill OrtwineNorth Branch
15Matt DavisWayneHarry GraverPrime Time
16Richard KnollCrawfordMike DaltonWayne
17Jay NewsomeWayneThomas RuthCrawford
18Tony DormanLeggettsRon GableTamaqua
19Chris LongoLunker LandersKen LeithTamaqua
20Scott FankhanelTamaquaSam Noel JrBrandywine
21Jason ShiptonWashberryPhilip LyonsPrime Time
22Michael TaylorBerksKevin ReimelBuxmont
23Joe Pacholec SrLeggettsZach DokaPrime Time
24Mark SnyderBass LegendsScott HilemanBlair
25George BowersWayneDavid PalkoAMBA
26John LorenzoWashberryDonald DickCrawford
27Troy DavisLancasterTyper FurrowShy Beaver
28Bob BrodyLeggettsGrant MichaelWashberry
29Kevin GergelNockAndrew HostlerHawg Snatchers
30Bobby LengyelBuxmontqJason CavanaughBorderline
31Michael ShumanisTamaquaHunter BrunerClarion
32Robert GilpinWayneJim WalkerLunker Landers
33Jess SalmonBlue Mtn
34Tim DolonTamaqua
35Mitch HeatonBlair
36Edwin FisherBlair
37Deron EckCrawford
38Keith HouseknechtNorth Branch
39Ron WolfBlue Mtn
40Bill BurnsidePrime Time
41Richard WitushynskiSouth Central
42Austin GaabWashberry
43Randall FollmerTamaqua
44Shawn RichardTamaqua
45Mark BowerPrime Time
46John PascavageTyrone
47Joe CulverLunker Landers
48Nick Osman
49Tom HafnerLunker Landers
50Derek HornerHawg Snatchers


The last applications received as of June 16 where postmarked June 13. If you mailed an application after June 13, please send an email to No one will be added to the field after 4pm on Friday, June 19. Reminder official practice starts at sunrise Saturday, June 20 meaning all tournament rules are in effect; pay special attention to the MOTOR ON LIFE VEST ON and have your kill switch attached anytime the motor is in gear. See you on the water.

1Chris WilsonLunker LandersSteve Koch
2Mike SabbiBrandywineJoe Pacholec JrLeggetts
3Mike Galka SrLunker LandersDavid AvvisatoLeggetts
4Jason KrissLeggettsThomas JefferyWayne
5Mark GruszkiewiczLeggettsJared BurrowsClarion
6Bill WardButlerCharles EnglebrightSus River
7Don BridyBass LegendsDavid KozlanskyLeggetts
8Larry FoorSouth CentralDave WiltLanc Cty
9Barry PotteigerSus RiverThomas ThompsonSouth Central
10Matt KlineNorth BranchAdam IvorySus River
11Derrick LoserSus RiverDonn TroutmanSus Valley
12Ron TaylorSouth CentralBilly HinesCrawford
13Justin KublisWayneBill LidwellShy Beaver
14Randy ShirkSchuykillOrvill OrtwineNorth Branch
15Matt DavisWayneHarry GraverPrime Time
16Richard KnollCrawfordMike DaltonWayne
17Jay NewsomeWayneThomas RuthCrawford
18Tony DormanLeggettsRon GableTamaqua
19Chris LongoLunker LandersKen LeithTamaqua
20Scott FankhanelTamaquaSam Noel JrBrandywine
21Jason ShiptonWashberryPhilip LyonsPrime Time
22Michael TaylorBerksKevin ReimelBuxmont
23Joe Pacholec SrLeggettsZach DokaPrime Time
24Mark SnyderBass LegendsScott HilemanBlair
25George BowersWayneDavid PalkoAMBA
26John LorenzoWashberryDonald DickCrawford
27Troy DavisLancasterTyper FurrowShy Beaver
28Bob BrodyLeggettsGrant MichaelWashberry
29Kevin GergelNockAndrew HostlerHawg Snatchers
30Bobby LengyelBuxmontqJason CavanaughBorderline
31Michael ShumanisTamaquaHunter BrunerClarion
32Robert GilpinWayne
33Jess SalmonBlue Mtn
34Tim DolonTamaqua
35Mitch HeatonBlair
36Edwin FisherBlair
37Deron EckCrawford
38Keith HouseknechtNorth Branch
39Ron WolfBlue Mtn
40Bill BurnsidePrime Time
41Richard WitushynskiSouth Central
42Austin GaabWashberry
43Randall FollmerTamaqua
44Shawn RichardTamaqua
45Mark BowerPrime Time
46John PascavageTyrone
47Joe CulverLunker Landers


Welcome to the PA State Championship at Cayuga Lake, NY launching out of the Town of Union Springs; June 26-27. This event will qualify no less than 9 anglers and 6 coanglers to the National Championship Semi Final at Lake Wallenpaupak on September 19-20. The Top 5 anglers and Top 3 coanglers will have their entry paid to that event along with: A hotel/food/gas stipend and Any special purchase sponsor programs.

Official Practice: Sunrise Saturday June 20 until 3:00pm Thursday June 25. During the official practice period, no competitor may be on the tournament waters with anyone who is not registered for the tournament and no competitor is allowed to obtain any information from any non-competitor. The only exception will be for an immediate family member. No competitor is allowed on the water after 3pm Friday June 19 except during official tournament hours with the exception of driving the most direct route to on the water accommodations. Any competitor needing to be on the water outside the tournament hours for the purpose of testing repaired equipment will have to get approval from the tournament director. This does NOT include any motor break-in period.

Registration: Competitors will receive their plates for both days and pay for the big fish pot ($20; there will be a big fish payout for each day in each division). ALL Anglers will pay $12.00 usage fee for the ramp REGARDLESS of how they arrive at the ramp in the morning. Coanglers are reminded of the expense of operating a tournament rig and should offer to split the DAYS expense and will give their angler partner $3.00 in addition to that to cover the ramp usage fee.

Location: Weigh-in Trailer at Union Springs

Time:  Wednesday June 24 from 3pm to 5pm AND Thursday June 25 from 3pm to 4pm.

**Any competitor not registered by 4pm Thursday will be dropped from the tournament (no refunds)

**One person at a time at the trailer and remember that NY still has social spacing in effect for those in the line.

Launch Time: 5:30am

Check-in Time: Flight 1 – 2:45pm, Flight 2 – 3:15pm.

Check in boat will be in place at 2:30pm. Do not “buzz” the check in boat. IDLE ONLY speed and be sure you hear him repeat your boat number back to you. Anyone who does not check in with the check in boat will be marked 15mins late. If you come in early, you will have to go out and check in with the check in boat. There will be NO check in at the trailer or with ANY other tournament worker. Late is Late except for a boat towing in a competitor (you should call and let us know) or a boat who has otherwise rescued any competitor and bringing them in (call only when emergency is over). Note: check in times STILL APPLY to the towed or rescued boat.

Weigh-In Procedure: Due to social spacing requirements (at this time) you will remain in your boat and will be given weigh in bags when a spot is open at the tanks. After you weigh your fish, you SHALL put them back in your livewell, hand your weigh in bags to the tournament worker and take your fish NO LESS than 100 yards beyond the buoy – your coangler can get your truck while you are doing this. Any competitor caught dumping their fish at the ramp will be disqualified. If the social spacing guidelines are otherwise relaxed or removed, we will run a normal weigh in with full tanks. The fish release WILL REMAIN the same.

Off Limits: There will be NO locking. Any are marked no fishing. Or if you are fishing in a marina and you are asked to leave, you will leave that area.

Below are the Competitors. Anyone who has mailed an application after June 12 will need to email the TD.

Chris WilsonSteve Koch
Mike SabbiJoe Pacholec Jr
Mike Galka SrDavid Avvisato
Jason KrissThomas Jeffery
Mark GruszkiewiczJared Burrows
Bill WardCharles Englebright
Don BridyDavid Kozlansky
Larry FoorDave Wilt
Barry PotteigerThomas Thompson
Matt KlineAdam Ivory
Derrick LoserDonn Troutman
Ron TaylorBilly Hines
Justin KublisBill Lidwell
Randy ShirkOrvill Ortwine
Matt DavisHarry Graver
Richard KnollMike Dalton
Jay NewsomeThomas Ruth
Tony DormanRon Gable
Chris LongoKen Leith
Scott FankhanelSam Noel Jr
Jason ShiptonPhilip Lyons
Michael TaylorKevin Reimel
Joe Pacholec SrZach Doka
Mark SnyderScott Hileman
George BowersDavid Palko
John LorenzoDonald Dick
Troy DavisTyper Furrow
Bob BrodyGrant Michael
Kevin GergelAndrew Hostler
Bobby LengyelJason Cavanaugh
Michael Shumanis
Robert Gilpin
Jess Salmon
Tim Dolon
Mitch Heaton
Edwin Fisher
Deron Eck
Keith Houseknecht
Ron Wolf
Bill Burnside
Richard Witushynski
Austin Gaab
Randall Follmer
Shawn Richard
Mark Bower
John Pascavage


Youth Event #1 is taking place Sunday at the Flats. Where are our Junior Teams? Get signed up NOW. Send a TEXT to 717-497-1959. This is also an SAF event for the High School aged competitors.