District 2 – Williamsport, Antlers – 4/12/15

The tournament has been cancelled due to unsafe water conditions.

New permit was submitted for Sunday, July 26th. This was the earliest that this could be re-scheduled due to conflicts with other tournaments. Please call, text, or email me to let me know if you want to transfer your application and payment to the re-scheduled date, transfer it for the June 28th Sayers tournament, or if you want your money back (if paid by check, I can shred it or return it). Thanks.

Update 5/7/15 – Approved permit was received for July 26th.  Please contact me to let me know what I should do with your payment.  Thank you.


Location – Williamsport, PA
Launch Site – Antlers Launch
Dates – Sunday, April 12th
Time – 7:00 am – 3:00 pm, (if we can launch earlier we will try)
Registration – 5:45 am to 6:45 am


March BOD Cancelled due to inclement weather!

The most recent forecast has increased in severity since i started watching it. Snow, sleet and freezing rain is called for throughout the state through Sunday and into the evening. The safety of our members is always of the utmost importance so to that end the March Board of Directors meeting is CANCELLED. I will be sending out a separate email what was to be covered so that everyone remains informed and are ready for the June meeting.
Thanks, CW

Pennsylvania Bass Federation and Lowrance

This just a snap short of how Pennsylvania Bass Federation promotes Lowrance with multiple marketing venues.

Student Angler Federation Elk Neck State Park July 26 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGreat Outdoors Show Harrisburg, PA. February 6th to 15th Reel Kids Casting Contest.2015-02-08 10.57.252015-02-15 14.19.44October State Championship Winner Rob Genter HDS 7 Gen 22014-10-02 19.55.09

Mr Bass Kick off winner HDI 72014-05-15 19.46.13

District 3 Potomac River Smallwood State Park, MD.Tournament

Mr. Bass

 Regional 1 Team Tournament June Cayuga State Park N.Y.




20140601_121455June, Board of Directors meeting State College, Pa. Tom Prowant wins HDS 5 Gen2  

March Wellsville Pa. District 3 Fishing Flea Market Lowance Displaymarch2014 229

Novmber Board of Directors meeting Dave Cairletta wins HDS 8 Gen 2

2014-11-02 12.27.03

2014 State Champion show he uses Lowrance to win the Angler of the Year Award!!2014-10-04 16.24.05



Tim McNair wins HDS 9 Gen2 Touch at the State Championship Pre meeting

Novmber Board of Directors Lowrance raffle display2014-10-02 19.56.152014-11-02 10.10.032014-11-02 10.08.29

Pennsylvania Bass Federation and Lowrance

2014-10-02 19.55.09

State Championship Raffle winner Rob Genter  a HDS Gen 2 touch 9march2014 229

District 3 Fishing Flea Market Display



June Bod Meeting Lowrance Raffle Winner Tom Prowant20140601_121455

November BOD meeting Raffle Winner Dave Cairleta

2014-11-02 12.27.03

Mr Bass Raffle Winer

A look back at a few of last years raffle winners. All in all we raffled off 9 units. Provided from our cast of dedicated members that devoted their time to produce the video, power point, acting and editing the award winning Lowrance Media Award! Special thanks to Robert Blake, Sue Blake, Will Hollis, Dave Cairletta and Steve Koch.