Reel Kids contests for 2016

If you are planning a Reel Kids contest for 2016 we need the following information BEFORE SEPTEMBER 25TH:




Approximate date(s)

How many kits needed for event

Each kit contains:

2 spincast combos with casting jigs

2 targets

25 waiver/scoring sheets

1 event summary (MOST IMPORTANT!)

Send information for all events to Greg Smith:

Championship Qualifiers for 2015

There are 2 lists on the message board for championship qualifiers, one for state events and the other for districts.  Check these lists for your name and email Chris if you are accepting or declining your spot.

Once accepted please mail your application and check to Bruce Bramer, state TD.  His address can be found with all the district tournament directors.

And for all your buddies that get on the web once a quarter or don’t have access at all, please help them out by letting them know they qualify!

The deadline is fast approaching!

2015 District 6 Tournament 3 Results

2015 District 6 Tournament 2 Results