Casting Contest Saturday February 20

Come join us at the 3rd Annual reel Kid’s Casting Contest on Saturday, February 20th, from 9-12 Noon at the Nazareth Intermediate School, 355 Tatamy Rd., Nazareth, PA 18064.  The contest is hosted by the Blue Mountain Bassmasters, LV Junior Bassmasters, and the NAIS Interact Club. Students from the ages of 7-15 are invited to cast for free.  The students do not have to come with any gear and will be given rods to use during the contest after they are taught how to cast to the targets. Their are two age groups 7-11 and 12-15. Students will only be able to cast during one of the three sessions and the top three then are qualified to move on to the next level Cabelas around Labor Day weekend. The top three winners will be given a rod/reel and a target to keep in order to practice. During the competition we will also have numerous giveaways donated by numerous sponsors.  Come on out and have some fun!!
Any questions contact:

Maryland Annual Black Bass Roundtable this February 4

Not so nicely formatted agenda below:  Items of interest to us as bass fishermen who use these waters are in bold

Black Bass Roundtable (2016)

Tentative Agenda

Tawes Office Building – Conference room, C-1

580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401

9:00 am Opening Remarks, sign-in sheet

9:10 am Announcements

I. Status of National Harbor Reef Ball project (Joe Love)

a. timetable provided to roundtable

II. Status of black bass stamp (Roger Trageser)

III. Status of licensed charter boat guide website (Gina Hunt/Joe Love)

IV. Status of catch-and-return area regulation proposal (Joe Love)

V. Status of Rogues Harbor project (Tony Prochaska)

a. decision letter from DNR internal review provided to roundtable

VI. Status of 2016 changes to tournament permitting system, enforcement (Branson Williams)

VII. Status of 6 mph zone on lower Gunpowder (Joe Love)

a. Petition for 6 mph zone at the spoils

VIII. Status of bass fisheries, grasses in Potomac and Upper Bay (Joe Love)

a. annual review to roundtable

b. fishery management plan update (on-line)

c. stocking strategy to improve recruitment (Joe Love/Brian Richardson)

10:10 am Discussion

I. Middle River fish kill (Scott Sewell)

a. Responses by agencies and organizations, surveys and reporting

b. MD DNR stocking proposal for Middle River and other areas

c. Action requested: approval of stocking proposal

II. Possum Point pollution issues, other pollution problems in bass fishery areas

(Steve Chaconas/Keith Barker/Nick Kuttner)

a. MD DNR letter provided to roundtable

b. Data on sanitary sewer overflows in Broad Creek (Matt Lawrence)

b. Strategy by the Department’s Tidal Bass Program regarding these issues

c. Action requested: approval of strategy

III. Redistribution of bass following tournaments

a. Minutes of 2015 meeting provided to roundtable

b. Outcome and draft policy

c. Action requested: provide comments on policy to Joe Love

11:30 pm Additional Discussion

12:00 pm Adjourn

Bass University at the Great American Outdoor Show – Feb 6-7

2016 Bass University – Great American Outdoor Show – Feb. 6-7 – Limited Seating Available – Learn from the biggest pros in the Bass Fishing World! For more information or to register online click here.

2016 Great American Outdoor Show