2016 District 5 Tournament 1 Results

2016 District 2 Tournament 1

MD DNR At Precision Tackle 4-12-16

Just giving everybody a heads up:

Precision Tackle is happy to announce that Joe Love, Maryland DNR biologist will make an appearance at the shop in Northeast, MD, Tuesday April 12th at 6PM to discuss the new regulations on the Upper Chesapeake and the Potomac. I will be there. Hope you can make it too.


712 S Main St, North East, Maryland 21901 is the address.

MD DNR Tournament Angler Page

Just an update. I don’t know how long this page has been up, but I just found it the other week. Bare with the newbie. On this page you will find most of the new info for our sport in MD. There are links for bass basics, fish care, licensing, tides, etc. The applications for permits and new Option 2 forms are there. Also you will find a list of all the tournaments who have filed for a permit, including what group, body of water, ramp, date/time. Might be nice to check out, whether planning an event or looking for one on an empty weekend. I recommend checking it out. Tight lines.

