Meeting called to order @ 7:05 by Mike Galka
Members in attendance: 6
Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters (Joe Pacholec Sr., Tony Dorman, David Kozlansky)
North Branch Bassmasters: (Matt Kline)
Lunker Landers: (Mike Galka)
Wayne County Bassmasters: (George Bowers)
NEPA Bass: Did Not Attend
Minutes: December 11, 2018 Minutes read by David Kozlansky
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Joe Pacholec Sr.
Treasury: Tom Hafner via email
- Balance is $x,xxx.xx.
- Matt Kline handed in a receipt for $100.00 for the two August 2019 tournaments out of Dean’s Cove on Cayuga Lake, N.Y.
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Joe Pacholec Sr.
Youth & Conservation: George Bowers
- George mentioned that the “Fishing for a Cause” benefit tournament for 2019 will be held on October 27, 2019 at Lake Wallenpaupack. He also mentioned that he is trying to get some media coverage for the event and also has a 501c opened up for the fund and will have a website soon.
- George will be holding a fishing seminar at the Hanover Area School.
- George will be hosting the annual kid’s tournament in August again this year.
- Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters will be hosting a “Reel Kids” event at Hunter’s Gallery again in 2019 on July 6 & 7 at the Hunter’s Gallery Appreciation Days. Any help is appreciated in running the stand/contest.
Accepted by: Mike Galka, 2nd by Matt Kline
Tournaments: Matt Kline
- Being that the message board on the PATBF website has been removed, the information pertaining to the tournament will be posted on the District 7 section.
- A motion was made to cancel the April 7, 2019 tournament and use the alternate date of July 21, 2019 in lieu of District VII member Bob Brody will be travelling to the TBF National Championship on Kentucky Lake on this said date in April. The motion passed and the tournament will be held on July 21st with Skaneateles Lake voted in by the clubs, Keuka 2nd option, and Oneida third option all depending on launch site availability.
- Matt was informed by the PATBF that our District needed to hand in the seven members in each division for Angler and Co-Angler for the state championship at Raystown Lake ASAP.
Accepted by: Joe Pacholec Sr., 2nd by George Bowers
Steering Committee: Mike Galka for Joe Pica
- The PATBF state meeting was cancelled for March 3rd due to weather conditions.
- Mike manned the PATBF booth at the Outdoor Show in Harrisburg for four days along with his wife and assisted in selling raffle tickets that benefited kids, the PATBF membership drive, and assisted with the “Reel Kids” competition. Mike stated that 817 kids participated in the “Reel Kids” completion. Mike stated that there were an estimated ½ million people that attended the show in 2019.
- George Bowers wanted to give Mike Galka and his wife special thanks for volunteering all that time and effort and also representing District VII at the Harrisburg Show.
Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Matt Kline
Old Business: None
New Business:
- A motion was made by Lunker Landers and 2nd by Wayne County Bassmasters to reimburse Matt Kline the $100.00 for the two Cayuga Lake permits. All were in favor.
- A motion was made by Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters and 2nd by Lunker Landers to administer the $150.00 allotted amount to Bob Brody of Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters for going to the TBF National Championship. All were in favor.
- Being that the message board is down, we will start utilizing the District 7 page even more and David Kozlansky will update the tournament information for Matt Kline and also with the minutes.
- Discussion on when to have the next meeting of 2019 then took place. It was decided that Tuesday May 14th would be the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 8:50 by Mike Galka
- Next Meeting will be Tuesday, May 14, 2019 @ 7:00 PM at Major League Sports Bar.
- Accepted by: George Bowers, 2nd by Matt Kline