District 3 Meeting Minutes for March 11th, 2019

ROLL CALL: Ray Bradshaw called meeting to order.

CLUBS PRESENT: All members present except Lancaster County Hawg Hunters.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Reviewed February minutes which were posted online.

TREASURERS REPORT: Ray gave report of District 3 checking account balance. Contact Ray for financial information.

CONSERVATION REPORT: Barry Potteiger reviewed changes to Pa Fish regulations for closed season dates on the River.

PUBLIC RELATIONS/MEMBERSHIP: Reviewed request from Cabela’s to take part in June 15th open house youth day. With current club schedules we voted not to attend event.

TOURNAMENTS: District 3 permits were all approved. Applications must be received no later than one (1) week prior to tournament.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussed clubs be able to rent out District trailer from local tournaments. All members voted against request. Mike Sabbi reviewed upcoming Susquehanna Fishing Tackle open house and volunteers needed all three days.

OLD BUSINESS: Steve Koch reviewed summary of the Flea Market. Clubs thanked Steve for a very successful show and fundraiser.

YOUTH: Mike Sabbi requested District Three provide support to both High School and Junior National Championships. Members voted to give $600 for three (3) boat captains for High School event and $500 for the two (2) kids going to the Junior National event.

Doug Lamborn – District 3 Secretary