District 3 Meeting Minutes for November 12th, 2018

ROLL CALL: Ray Bradshaw called meeting to order.

CLUBS PRESENT: All members present except River Hills and Lancaster County Hawg Hunters

SECRETARY’S REPORT: No minutes as October meeting postponed.

TREASURERS REPORT: Ray gave report of District 3 checking account balance. Contact Ray for financial information.

CONSERVATION REPORT: Barry Potteiger reported a new Pa Fish Commissioner taking over in 2019.

PUBLIC RELATIONS/MEMBERSHIP: Ray reminded clubs to submit member renewal by end of December or sooner.

TOURNAMENTS: Members reviewed and approved the following 2019 schedule.

-Potomac River April 28th, North East May 19th and Conowingo August 4th.

NEW BUSINESS: Ray Bradshaw discussed nominations for officers to be voted at December meeting. Any club members wanting to run for open positions to contact Ray.

OLD BUSINESS: Barry Potteiger reviewed the Pa Outdoor Show reel kids event scheduled for January 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th. We need as many as 140 volunteers over the four day event.

YOUTH: Barry Potteiger to confirm the 2019 Cabela’s reel kids schedule

Doug Lamborn – District 3 Secretary