Category: News


West Virginia, New York and Maryland are open for tournaments under SPECIFIC guidelines from those states. PA Bass Federation Clubs and Districts who hold approved permits for tournaments are able to conduct those events as long as they abide by agency specific guidelines for those events. The Junior Tournament on May 31st will be conducted …

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District 2, Williamsport 4/5/20, Cancelled

Due to the current Health concerns, we have decided to cancel the tournament. We will try to reschedule this event for later this year. As soon as I have a new date it will be posted. I will be contacting everyone who sent in apps to see if you want me to hold your money …

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2020 PA TBF District VII March Minutes 3/10/2020

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 by Mike Galka Members in attendance:  8 Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters –Mark Gruszkiewicz, Jason Kiss, Joe Pacholec Sr., Joe Pacholec Jr. North Branch Bassmasters: Matt Kline Lunker Landers: Mike Galka Wayne County Bassmasters: George Bowers Primetime Anglers:  Harry Graver Treasury:   Tom Hafner Treasury $xxxx.xx—(No outstanding Balance) Tom emailed to Mike …

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December Minutes   12/17/2019 Meeting called to order @ 7:03 by Mike Galka Members in attendance:  11 Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters (Joe Pacholec Sr., Tony Dorman, David Kozlansky, Joe Pacholec Jr., Mark Gruszkiewicz) North Branch Bassmasters: (Matt Kline) Lunker Landers: (Mike Galka, Chris Longo, Tom Hafner) Wayne County Bassmasters: (George Bowers) Primetime Anglers (Harry Graver) Minutes: November …

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