ROLL CALL: Ray Bradshaw called meeting to order. CLUBS PRESENT: Eighteen (18) members attended our online meeting. All District clubs were present except for River Hills Bass. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Last meeting was held in February, no minutes reviewed. TREASURERS REPORT: Ray gave report of District 3 checking account balance. Contact Ray for financial information. PUBLIC …
Category: News
Oct 18
Member in Need
Derrick’s wife was just diagnosed with a brain tumor after passing out Friday. Janelle is home resting but very confused. Derrick does not know the prognosis but does know the recovery timeframe will be long and exhausting if recovery is possible. Janelle is a stay at home mom with their children and the medical deductibles …
Sep 21
2020 TBF National Championship Semi Final — Final Standings
Day 2 was moving day as it so often is during a two day event Although there were 5 anglers who lost their check, several coanglers made the move into the top 14 bouncing back from 0 on day 1. One of the big stories was Andrew Hostler who lost his weight due to a …